Post Spring — Your RESTful companion While not inherently RESTful, the Spring Framework provides extensive support for building RESTful web services. At the heart of this process is Spring MVC, also known as Spring Web MVC which allows you to build web applications, RESTful or not.
Exercise Java Exercise 1.1 You are tasked with designing a system for managing a library's collection of items. Implement the following classes and interfaces: Interface: Readable * This interface should define at least one method related to reading or accessing information. Class: Item * This class should represent an item in the library collection.
News My Dilemma I realize now that I didn't have to feel any less gifted than anyone else. I have all the brilliance I need. I'm not average but balanced.
Post Objects & Traits in Scala But when it comes to Scala, there is a higher priority placed on expression, conciseness... Primitives require special handling, whereas objects all use the same syntax and are easier to read.
Post Classes, Objects, & Interfaces in Java An interface is basically an abstract class with the sole purpose of holding attributes for another class to implement.
Post Featured Getting Acquainted With The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) The purpose of the JVM is to execute the bytecode that the Java compiler has generated.